By Laura Watson, MS, RDN, LDN, Nutrition Therapist at Harborside Psychiatrics

These days nutrition information is widely available on social media, traditional media, healthcare offices, and really from anyone you ask.  Because nutrition information is everywhere, you might be wondering, what is the benefit of seeing a Registered Dietitian when I can just Google how to eat?

Yes, information is widely available, but it can be really confusing, conflicting, misleading and sometimes downright false.  One website will say “eat this” and another website will say “eat that” and then your favorite wellness influencer claims they “never eat that!” so how is anyone supposed to sort through all the noise and understand how to feed their bodies?  Do you need a meal plan? Do you need to count calories? Should you be counting macros?

A Registered Dietitian (RD) can help you sort through all the confusing and misleading information.  Registered Dietitians have degrees in nutrition science and experience working with individuals to help them feed themselves and their families.  Working with a RD will give you the education and tools to feel empowered to feed yourself without depending on a program, plan, or counting anything!  If you’re struggling with your relationship with food, a RD who has been trained in intuitive eating and Health At Every Size principles can help you learn to eat without feeling shame and guilt or feeling out of control around food.

The dietitian at Harborside Psychiatrics would love to help you feel more comfortable around food.  Give us a call to get started!

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